HID | HID Signo Prox Reader Mulion With Pigtail

HID | HID Signo Prox Reader
Mulion With Pigtail

Product #: 20NKS-00-000000
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Credentials and Keys / Formats

Credential Profile: Standard

Mobile: Ready

NFC: Enabled

Seos®: Enabled

iCLASS®: Enabled

iCLASS® SR: Enabled

iCLASS® SE: Enabled

MIFARE DESFire® SIO: Enabled

MIFARE DESFire®: CSN Enabled

MIFARE Classic® SIO: Enabled

MIFARE Classic®: CSN Enabled

HID Proximity® and AWID Proximity: Enabled

Indala® Proximity: Enabled, ASP10022 26-bit

EM Proximity: Enabled

 Physical Attributes

Reader Model: HID® Signo™ Reader 20

Trim Color: Silver

Reader Color: Black

Connection Style: Pigtail (18 in. / 0.5 m)

 Reader and Format Settings

Communication Protocol: Wiegand

EM Proximity Output Format: S = 32-bit Wiegand (default)

Wiegand Tamper Settings: On

LED Color While Idle: Red (default)

Credential Read LED Color: Green (default)

Audio on Card Read: On

Seos® Distinct Response: On

Automatic Surface Detection: On

Intelligent Power Management (IPM): Off

Velocity Check: Off

Bluetooth Operation Mode: Tap

OSDP Tamper: On